Visually Representing Ideas – Detailed Thumbs

February 25, 2009

in design,innovate

Big thumbnail idea, adds fidelity but doesn't take much longer to make.

Big thumbnail idea, adds fidelity but doesn't take much longer to make.

It’s basically a big thumbnail but if you don’t have a ton of time and need to get a few in-depth ideas across, try making a mini-screenshot. Last week I needed to get a handful of key concepts out and I knew a few thumbnail sketches wouldn’t have the same impact, so I made the design above. I had never done anything exactly like this and from the feedback I got, it was a success. Usually I recommend sketching for everything, even if someone swears they can’t draw. However, fidelity is such an important part of what designers can do to foster the right conversations with different types of stakeholders. Manipulating fidelity to foster concept specific questions is considered by some in the industry as a red herring. I disagree. This is no different than altering your language per client based on their technical prowess or delivering a pitch with a large, printed poster-sized version of the design. Creating a visual solution is all about the intended audience. Our job as designers is to cultivate great ideas then get early and sustained support and excitement from clients. So I say use fidelity to get the best conversation, questions and ultimately the best result for the client.

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